
The following page is kept as a reference only. If you start a new project, please consider using Activate method in Web API 3 instead.
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All keys that are stored in a product that is public can be validated using the Web API. Key activation, in contrast to key validation is is not read only ie. if there are specific settings (such as a limit for the number of computers that can use the key) new information can be added to a key. If trial activation is enabled, a key can be altered. Information that is retrieved can be signed by the server to be able to keep validate keys without internet connection.  All results are in JSON.

This method is accessed by


Parameter Description Remarks
uid the user id required
pid the product id required
hsum the control value required
sid the serial key string required
sign if set to true, a digital signature of the data is included. optional. by default, it's "false"
signMid if set to true, the mid parameter will be included into the signature. optional. by default, it's "false"
signPid if set to true, the pid parameter will be included into the signature. optional. by default, it's "false"
signUid if set to true, the uid parameter will be included into the signature. optional. by default, it's "false"
signDate if set to true, the activation date will be included into the signature. optional. by default, it's "false"
signCustomer if set to true, the customer id will be returned. optional. by default, it's "false"
mid the machine code you want to activate required


Parameter Description Remarks
valid always true if no error was thrown. always returned
created the creation date always returned
expires the expiration date always returned
settime the set time (30 days) always returned
timeleft the time left always returned
f1 feature 1 (either true or false) always returned
f2 feature 2 (either true or false) always returned
f3 feature 3 (either true or false) always returned
f4 feature 4 (either true or false) always returned
f5 feature 5 (either true or false) always returned
f6 feature 6 (either true or false) always returned
f7 feature 7 (either true or false) always returned
f8 feature 8 (either true or false) always returned
notes the notes field returned if access to the notes field is enabled
signature a digital signature (RSA 2048) returned if sign=true and if a private has been generated
newkey a new key (that replaces the original key) returned if trial activation is enabled
mid the mid parameter (the same value as the input parameter mid) returned if signMid is set to true.
pid the pid parameter (the same value as the input parameter pid) returned if signPid is set to true.
uid the uid parameter (the same value as the input parameter uid) returned if signUid is set to true.
date the activation date returned if signDate is set to true.
customer the id of the customer that this key is assigned to. returned if signCustomer is set to true.

Example results



  • If sign=false, while signMid, signPid, signUid, signDate are set to true, then mid, pid, uid and date will still be returned but will not be included into the signature.
  • When trial activation is activated, a newkey can be returned (if all conditions are satisfied). From that point, only the key returned in newkey should be used as a parameter value in sid , ie. the key that is to be activated.
  • The newkey will not be used in the digital signature.
  • When the data is hashed (it is stored in signature), the following order is being used: valid, created,expires,settime,timeleft, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, notes, mid, pid, uid, date.


The hsum was incorrect.
The subscription level of the user does not allow this functionality.
Unable to access the given product. Either it does not exist or it is not set to be public.
Unable to access the key. Either, the key does not exist, it is blocked or was in incorrect format.

Error remarks

  • If a key was already activated on a different machine, the "Unable to access the key. Either, the key does not exist, it is blocked or was in incorrect format." will be returned.
  • For this method to work, automatic activation has to be enabled in the key (can be changed in the control panel).