User authentication


The idea behind user authentication is to allow you to authenticate users using their credentials (i.e. username and password) to verify their license. You can use their username and password to retrieve their licenses instead of asking for a license key.

This is similar to obtaining all licenses assigned to a customer using customer secret, with the difference that the user can pick both the username and password, as well as restore a forgotten password.


  • Login - retrieves all licenses that belong to the user.
  • Register - creates a new user and optionally assigns them to a customer object (that contains all their licenses).
  • Associate - associates a user with a customer object.
  • Dissociate - dissociates a user from a customer object.
  • Get Users - lists all users.
  • Change Password - changes password of a user.
  • Reset Password Token - generates a password reset token.
  • Remove User - removes a user.