Add Reseller

This method will add new reseller. To remove an existing reseller, please see Remove Reseller.

This method is accessed by


Parameter Description Remarks
Name Name of the reseller. A string of max 100 characters.
Url Url to reseller's website. A string of max 500 characters.
Email Email of the reseller. A string of max 100 characters.
Phone Phone number to the reseller. A string of max 100 characters.
Description Description related to the reseller. A string of max 500 characters.
Metadata A JSON dictionary containing extra fields to store with the reseller. A JSON string.
v Method version. optional. by default, it's 1.


Parameter Description Remarks
ResellerId A unique integer identifier associated with this reseller. always returned
Result This is either 0(=success) or 1(=error). always returned
Message The message that provides additional information about the result. always returned.

Example results



Access denied.
The model state is not valid. Please check the parameters.
The name cannot be longer than 100 characters.
The url cannot be longer than 500 characters.
The email cannot be longer than 100 characters.
The phone cannot be longer than 100 characters.
The description cannot be longer than 500 characters.