Create Trial Key

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This method creates a license key that is time-limited, node-locked and with the "Time-Limited" and "Trial" features set to true (which can be set by editing the feature definitions on the product page). Note, by default, the trial will work for 15 days. To change this limit, you can set the Feature Lock to the desired value, when creating the access token.

If a trial key was already created for a certain machine code, this method will try to find the license key and return it instead. However, this will only occur if the license key is still a trial key (based on feature definitions) and is not blocked.

This method is accessed by


Parameter Description Remarks
ProductId the product id required
MachineCode The machine code (a string that identifies a device) that this trial key will be locked to. Please note that the max length of the machine code is set to 128 chars. optional. empty string by default.
FriendlyName Allows you to specify a friendy name for the activated device, for example the employee's email. Friendly name does not impact the number of active machine codes / seats, but it offers an easy way of linking a machine/seat with a user. For added security, you can HMAC hash this value. optional. empty string by default.
v Method version. optional. by default, it's 1.


Parameter Description Remarks
Key The newly generated key returned if no error occurred.
Result This is either 0(=success) or 1(=error). always returned
Message The message that provides additional information about the result. If it's a successful result, either null or the new key (if using SKGL) will be returned. Otherwise, in case of an error, a short message will be returned describing the error. always returned.

Example results



This machine code has already activated the trial. The machine code cannot be null. The machine code cannot exceed 128 chars in length.
Access denied.
The input parameters were incorrect.
The notes field cannot be more than 500 characters.
Could not find the product.
Could not find the customer.
Creation of a license with x day(s) is not possible in SKGL. The limit is 999 days.
Generating more than 99,999 keys is not possible in SKGL.