Trial Activation

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This method allows you to enable Trial Activation (aka. start count down upon activation) field of a license. Please note that if you do not supply the Enabled parameter in the call, Trial Activation will be set to False.

This method is accessed by


Parameter Description Remarks
ProductId the product id required
Key the serial key string required
Enabled A boolean (True or False) that Trial Activation property of the license key will be set to. required
v Method version. optional. by default, it's 1.


Parameter Description Remarks
Result This is either 0(=success) or 1(=error). always returned
Message The message that provides additional information about the result. In case of an error, a short message will be returned describing the error. always returned.

Example results



Access denied.
The input parameters were incorrect.
Could not find the product.
Could not find the key.