Event Object


Parameter Description Remarks
Id A unique identifier of the event. An integer
Key The serial key string. string
MachineCode The machine code or any other identifier of the device/user (especially if no product and key is given). string
FeatureName The name of the feature, eg. 'VideoRecorder' or 'F1'. Can be any string of max 20 chars in length. string
EventName The name of the event, eg. 'click' or 'start'. Can be any string of max 20 chars in length. string
Time Time of the event. A unix timestamp (integer)
Value The value of the event, eg. if this event lead to a transaction, you can enter its value here (as an int, 25.3 should be entered as 2530). In this case, you can, for instance, set EventName to 'purchase', or anything similar. An integer
Currency The currency, eg USD. Useful if this event has a certain value. string
Metadata Additional metadata as JSON string related to this event. Be careful and do not send personal identifiable information unless it is really needed. Please read more here. string