
A product object is a representation of a product that can be found in the product panel.


Parameter Description Remarks
Id A unique identifier of the product An integer
Name Name of the product A string of max 100 characters.
CreationDate The creation date< of the product. A date time
Description Description of the product. A string of max 500 characters.
Password Password of the product. Only returned if the Key Algorithm is SKGL. A string
KeyAlgorithm The key algorithm. Either SKGL or SKM15.
FeatureDefinitions An feature definitions object with information about what features are trials, etc. A json object.
DataObjects Data objects associated with the product. A list of Data Object.


{"id":1234,"name":"Example product","creationDate":"2014-01-02T00:00:00","description":"Description","password":"","isPublic":true,"keyAlgorithm":1,"featureDefinitions":{"f1":{"name":"Time Limit (F1)","type":1},"f2":{"name":"Trial (F2)","type":2},"f3":{"name":"Feature 3","type":0},"f4":{"name":"Feature 4","type":0},"f5":{"name":"Feature 5","type":0},"f6":{"name":"Feature 6","type":0},"f7":{"name":"Feature 7","type":0},"f8":{"name":"Feature 8","type":0},"allLicensesTimeLimited":false,"blockExpiredLicenses":false},"dataObjects":[]}