Web API Log


Parameter Description Remarks
Id A unique identifier of the event. An integer
ProductId The id of the product. An integer
Key The license key string. A string
IP An anonymized IP of the device that triggered this log. A string
Time The time when this log was created. Unix timestamp (integer)
State Contains more information about the method that was called and if it was successful or not. An integer
MachineCode The machine code of the device, if applicable. A string
FriendlyName Specifies a friendly name for the activated device, for example the employee's email. Friendly name does not impact the number of active machine codes / seats, but it offers an easy way of linking a machine/seat with a user. A string
FloatingExpires The time when the floating device will expire, if applicable. Unix timestamp (integer)
DOIntValue If this request is related to an operation on the integer value of a data object, this value will be set to the value that was passed in as IntValue. An integer
DOId If this request is related to an operation on a data object, this value will contain the id of the data object. An integer

State codes

A state code is a 4 digit number that stores information about a request. It allows you to tell whether a certain request was successful or unsuccessful, and in some cases, what kind of action was taken. State codes can be decoded in the following way:


  • 20tells what kind of method was executed (eg. activate, deactivate). here it is activation.
  • -  tells if the request was successful or unsuccessful. here, it is successful.
  • 1 - is an optional digit that gives additional information about the request. (usually zero)

The first 2 digits

Short Code  Method
10** validation request
20** activation request
30** key generation request
40** optional field request
50** no request associated
60** deactivation request
70** other license manipulation requests
80** data object requests

 The 3rd digit (success or failure)

Short Code  Method
**1* successful request
**2* unsuccessful request

Optional digit (4th)

At the moment, activation (20**), key generation (30**) and optional field (40**) provide an optional digit with more information about the request.
Short Code  Method
3010 nothing special
3011 a trial key was generated
3012 an existing trial key was returned
3021 there was an error when creating the trial key
Short Code  Method
2010 nothing special
2011 the key was already activated on a machine with the given id
2012 the key is activated with a new machine code
2022 device limit has been reached (node-locking)
2013 trial activation was performed
2014 activated using floating licensing
2024 device limit has been reached in floating licensing
2015 activated using an overdraft floating license
Short Code  Method
4020 nothing special
4021 the optional field cannot be decreased anymore
Short Code  Method
6010 deactivation successful
6011 release of a floating license successful
Short Code  Method
7011 add feature successful
7012 remove feature successful
7013 block key successful
7014 unblock key successful
7015 extend license successful
7016 machine lock limit successful
7017 change notes successful
7018 trial activation successful
7019 change customer successful
Short Code  Method
8011 add data object successful
8012 remove data object successful
8013 list data objects successful
8014 increment int value successful
8015 decrement int value successful
8016 set int value successful
8017 set string value successful