Get Events

This method will retrieve events that were registered using Register event method. Events are stored for at least 30 days. Older events may be removed.


This method is accessed by

Parameter Description Remarks
Limit Specifies how many events should be returned. default is 10 and at most 100
StartingAfter Works as a cursor (for pagination). If the last element had the id=125, then setting this to 125 will return all events coming after 125. optional
EndingBefore Works as a cursor (for pagination). If the last element had the id=125, then setting this to 125 will return all events coming before 125. optional
Time The time value to filter the events on. This can either be a Unix timestamp or a dictionary with the following properties:
  • gte - returns events where "Time" is greater than or equal to this value.
  • gt - returns events where "Time" is greater than this value.
  • lte - returns events where "Time" is less than or equal to this value.
  • lt - returns events where "Time" is less than this value.
For example, if you call this method with a GET request, you could set it to {"gte":1534407953,"lte":1534422362} to filter between events created at 1534407953 and 1534422362.
ProductId The product id to filter on. optional
Key The key string to filter on. Note: to filter on a license key, you need to specify the ProductId parameter. optional
Metadata The metadata string to filter on. optional
v Method version. optional. by default, it's 1.


Parameter Description Remarks
Events A list of Event Objects. returned if no errors are thrown
Result This is either 0(=success) or 1(=error). always returned
Message The message that provides additional information about the result. If it's a successful result, null will be returned. Otherwise, in case of an error, a short message will be returned describing the error. always returned.

Example results



Access denied.
The input parameters were incorrect.
The 'Time' parameter has the wrong format.